COST-G: quality control

Ulrich Meyer

Significance tests for annual, semi-annual and secular variations in the spherical harmonic domain

Noise assessment in the spatial domain

Noise assessment in the spherical harmonic domain

Assessment of hydrological signal content in selected river basins

Assessment of ice mass change

Significance of annual, semi-annual and secular variations in the spherical harmonic domain. Evaluated is the time-period 2004-2010 common to all time-series.

AIUB2: significance of secular variations
AIUB2: significance of annual variations
AIUB2: significance of semi-annual variations
APM: significance of secular variations
APM: significance of annual variations
APM: significance of semi-annual variations
CSR6: significance of secular variations
CSR6: significance of annual variations
CSR6: significance of semi-annual variatinos
GFZ6: significance of secular variations
GFZ6: significance of annual variations
GFZ6: significance of semi-annual variatinos
GRGS-RL04 free
GRGS4f: significance of secular variations
GRGS4f: significance of annual variations
GRGS4f: significance of semi-annual variatinos
HUST2: significance of secular variations
HUST2: significance of annual variations
HUST2: significance of semi-annual variatinos
ITSG18: significance of secular variations
ITSG18: significance of annual variations
ITSG18: significance of semi-annual variatinos
JPL6: significance of secular variations
JPL6: significance of annual variations
JPL6: significance of semi-annual variatinos
SUS2: significance of secular variations
SUS2: significance of annual variations
SUS2: significance of semi-annual variatinos
SWPU: significance of secular variations
SWPU: significance of annual variations
SWPU: significance of semi-annual variatinos
TNG: significance of secular variations
TNG: significance of annual variations
TNG: significance of semi-annual variatinos
WHU2: significance of secular variations
WHU2: significance of annual variations
WHU2: significance of semi-annual variatinos
COMB2p: significance of secular variations
COMB2p: significance of annual variations
COMB2p: significance of semi-annual variatinos


Grid-wise RMS of non-seasonal, non-secular variations. Over the oceans these variations serve to assess the noise content ot the time-series. From all time-series a common signal model fitted to the monthly means of all time-series in the period 2004-2010 is subtracted. All monthly gravity fields were filtered with a 400 km Gauss filter.

geoid height
equivalent water height
AIUB2: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
AIUB2: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
APM: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
APM: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
CSR6: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
CSR6: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
GFZ6: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
GFZ6: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
GRGS-RL04 free
GRGS4f: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
GRGS4f: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
HUST2: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
HUST2: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
ITSG18: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
ITSG18: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
JPL6: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
JPL6: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
SUS2: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
SUS2: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
SWPU: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
SWPU: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
TNG: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
TNG: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
WHU2: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
WHU2: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
COMB: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal
COMB: global plot of non-seasonal, non-secular signal


Mean degree variances with respect to a mean signal model. The deterministic signal model including trends, annual and semi-annual variations has been fitted to the period 2004-2010 common to all time-series. Dashed lines refer to max. order 29.

geoid heights
equivalent water heights
Mean degree variances with respect to a mean signal model
Mean degree variances with respect to a mean signal model


Assessment of hydrological signal content in selected river basins. A deterministic signal model including trends, annual and semi-annual variations is fitted to the mean equivalent water height within the basin. All monthly gravity fields were filtered with 400 km Gauss filter.

Variations in equivalent water height in Amazon river basin
Variations in equivalent water height in Congo river basin
Variations in equivalent water height in Danube river basin
Variations in equivalent water height in Ganges river basin
Variations in equivalent water height in Mississippi river basin
Variations in equivalent water height in Nile river basin
Variations in equivalent water height in Yangtze river basin

Comparison of estimated amplitudes of annual variations in 60 major river basins. The formal errors of the trend estimates and the overall fit of the signal models are also provided. Finaly the differences between the formal errors and the deviations from the mean amplitude per basin are determined to assess the significance of the deviations.

sorted by basin size
sorted by annual amplitude
assessment of significance
Annual amplitudes sorted by basin size
Annual amplitudes sorted by size
Mean amplitudes and significance of estimates


Assessment of ice mass change in Greenland and in selected glacial basins along the west coast of Antarctica. Mass is derived from mean equivalent water height within the basins. A deterministic signal model including linear or quadratic trends, annual and semi-annual variations is fitted to the mass changes within the basins. No filter was applied to avoid leakage caused by the filter.

Comparison of mass variations in Greenland
Comparison of mass variations at west coast of Antarctica


Comparison of mass trends in Greenland. The mean trend value is indicated by a black line. Differences with respect to the mean trend and formal errors of the estimated trends are also given to assess the significance of the differences.

Coast: comparison of mass trends
Inland: comparison of mass trends
Greenland: comparison of mass trends

Comparison of mass trends in basins at the west coast of Antarctica. The mean trend value is indicated by a black line. Differences with respect to the mean trend and formal errors of the estimated trends are also given to assess the significance of the differences.

Basin 11
Basin 12
Basin 13
Basin 11: comparison of mass trends
Basin 12: comparison of mass trends
Basin 13: comparison of mass trends
